How to SSH into any AWS EC2 Instance using WindowsPowershell or Git Bash

How to SSH into any AWS EC2 Instance using WindowsPowershell or Git Bash


Cheers to my fellow comrades in the Cloud Dev Space

My name is Winner Onaolapo :)

Today I would like to share how to SSH to any EC2 Instances using Windows Powershell or Git Bash

Without further ado let’s dive right in

I have been so curious about what other alternative will be available to ssh into my EC2 instance without having to use puTTY

So, today I will be sharing with us how to SSH into our AWSEC2 Instance

The very first step is to create an Instance with a key pair

Screenshot (32).png Instance Image 1 You can type in any name of your choice

The second step is to select the Application and OS Images AMI (Amazon Machine Image) that you want your instance to run on

for this article, I chose Amazon Linux

Screenshot (22).png

Instance Image 2

the third step is to choose the instance type with t2.micro

N.B: Please, select the Free tier eligible as you won’t be charged for any instance running in your AWS (Amazon Web Service)

Screenshot (23).png

Instance Image 3

Followed by Creating a new key pair, I already created a Key pair for this instance. I recommend always using CamelCase for your key pair. then click on Create Key pair which will download the key pair to your system

Screenshot (34).png

Instance Image 4

You can follow this link to read more about CamelCase

In the next section which is the Network settings

Select the default VPC, then choose the AZ (Availability Zone) available to you in the Subnet dropdown

Screenshot (25).png

Instance Image 5

Now, the firewall (security groups) is very essential to ssh into our instance

select create Security group and check the box that says Allow HTTP traffic from the internet below is an image

Screenshot (38).png

Instance Image 6

Then the next option will be to add another Security group rule by clicking on the edit option at the front of the network settings

Screenshot (39).png

Instance Image 7

after clicking on the edit option, add the following rule.

Screenshot (37).png

Instance Image 8

After which you click on Launch instance

Make sure your instance state is Running and your status check is 2/2checks passed

Screenshot (27).png

Instance Image 9

Now to SSH into our instance click on the Instance ID which will bring you to this page

Screenshot (29).png

Instance Image 10

Click on Connect > then select SSH client

N.B: We will be using the instance Public DNS

Screenshot (31).png

Instance Image 11

Now from here on open Windows PowerShell

Below are the steps needed to follow

Now from your Windows PowerShell CLI change the directory to wherever your Key was downloaded to and type in the following command

  • The name of your key
  • Then type in ec2-user@
  • Then paste in your Instance public DNS
ssh -i .\bytescoded_1.pem

After which a prompt question will come up

“Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)”

Type in yes in full then you should see this on your Windows PowerShell CLI

Screenshot (35).png

Instance Image 12

The same goes as well for Git Bash

Screenshot (36).png

Instance Image 13

Eureka and there you have it

Please, do let me know if this was helpful. I will be sharing more tips regarding AWS and Azure do well to follow

In my next article, I will share with us how to install an Apache server to our EC2 instance

To know more about accessing instances

Follow this link from AWS Docs AWS